



Chêne Services
Polo de investigacíon
Polo abastecimiento
Nuestras filiales de distribución
- Chêne Australasia en Australia y Nueva Zelandia,
- Chêne South Africa Africa en África del Sur,
- Chêne Chile en Chile,
- Taransaud North-America en Estados Unidos,
- Chêne Distribution en Europa, que alberga también el servicio barricas usadas.
En todos los otros países vitícolas del mundo, la distribución de los productos está asegurada por agentes o directamente por las marcas de CHÊNE & Cie.

Henri de Pracomtal
Graduate of the HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) business school, 13 years spent with the LVMH Group, including 5 years as Chairman of the Hennessy Management Board.
Founder of Chêne & Cie.
President of Chêne & Cie from 1997 to 2023.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board since January 2023.

Rodolphe de LEUSSE
Graduate of ESCP Business School (Ecole de Commerce de Paris), MBA INSEAD
20 years expérience in the Wine & Spirits industry within Moët Hennessy, Piper Heidsieck and Rémy-Cointreau, as Director of Development, CFO and Managing Director for Europe.
Joined Chêne & Cie in January 2023.

Jacquelin de PRACOMTAL
International experience in the sale of wines and spirits: UK, Italy and 5 years in Asia.
Joined Chêne & Cie in July 2015.

Véronique mauget
Graduate of ESC Marseille (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce), 6 years at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Joined CHÊNE & Cie in October 2002.

François Litoux-Desrues
Trained as an engineer, Master's degree of Food Sciences. 7 years at Moët & Chandon. Joined Chêne & Cie in January 2019.

Nicolas Tiquet-Lavandier
ENSCBP Engineer (chemistry and biology), oenologist with a degree from Bordeaux University, MBA from ESSEC. Joined Chêne & Cie in 2003.